We believe that parents are an important part of their child's education at Emu Creek State School and we value the relationship that we have with you.
At Emu Creek, we keep in touch regularly through a variety of mediums, so that you can stay informed and help your child to grow and be successful.
Our staff have an open door policy and are available to speak with you every afternoon after school. For urgent or lengthy discussions, we appreciate you phoning to book a time so that we can make sure that we are able to provide you the best support.
Other mediums we use to communicate with parents include:
* Fortnightly newsletter in either hardcopy, electronically emailed and available on our website and Q Schools app (itunes or android)
*Parent teacher interviews once per semester.
*Facebook page.
*Text messages for reminders, absence explanations, messages, important requests.
*Email or phone
*Postcards home to celebrate success